Thursday, October 25, 2007

The 2007 Wayne, Nebraska Chicken Show.

So these are some photos from the Chicken Show. Pretty ridiculous event I went to in Nebraska back in July. Charles Traub told me the other day that I need to get over my summer pictures. Apparently, they are cheap shots about what I want to be talking about within American culture. He very well may be right. I am not interested in just shooting fat children over and over again. After thinking about this I decided that the next set I put up will be something I shot just last weekend, the Keene, New Hampshire Pumpkinfest.
So check back later this week for that and hopefully there won't be as many "cheap shots."

1 comment:

Mariah said...

My favorite is the one with the chicken exploding out of the mailbox... no wait maybe the one of you in a bellyshirt... no the chicken exploding!